Okay,its holiday now.And I thought I can play computer and have fun for a month.But...I WAS WRONG.
I'm sitting in front of my computer doing nothing but refreshing the B2ST+2NE1 couple thread in YGL.
I know its kinda weird for me to be worshiping and being obsessed over B2ST+2NE1.But,I seriously want them to collaborate!They have so much similarities!The clothes.The performances!I bet Hyunseung knows them since he's once a YG FAMILY member.(YG FAMILY ROCKS MY SOCKS!)
Big Bang Tabi oppa a.k.a my man with Hyunseung~!I SHIP THIS MORE THAN KISEUNG!
You see,this is a screencap from Big Bang documentary that was broadcast 5 years ago,that means 2005,and that means Big Bang haven't debut.GD gave Hyunseung that belt.You see that belt with stars on it?Yea,Hyunseung is wearing it.And GD gave it to him.
He's still wearing it.I bet its precious for him.So,can B2UTIES and VIPs stop fighting?And I want a collaboration NOW!
Anyways,just gonna post the picture of my FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE entertainment company ever.YG FAMILY.Can't seem to recognize anyone here.LOL.I think I saw SE7EN?And of course my hubby T.O.P.Then,HyunSeung.GD.Seungri,YoungBae and Daesung!XD!I don't think I found 1TYM,Kush,Jinusean or Masta Wu or Gummy.LOL.
Anyways,MORE SEUNGHYUN+HYUNSEUNG!(Notice how Seunghyun's name is Hyunseung's name spelt backward?Or vise versa)
Now,I'm imagining if Hyunseung is in Big Bang instead of Seungri.
I think he will STILL be overshadowed by the other members.I love him and I noticed how...
I LOVE both of them.And congratz to Dongwoon for getting more parts.I felt sorry for Hyunseung.He's the members who gets MOST of the hatred from B2UTIES.Yes,I did NOT typed wrong,MOST B2UTIES hate him.For example,"someone" from my class.= =!The reason why?He's ugly,he looks like a murderer.WHATEVER!Hyunseung's 8D personality is incredibly UNDENIABLE.His dancing skills too.SO YOU HATERS GOT TO STFU AND GET A LIFE.HYUNSEUNG hwaiting!(he's not even in my top 3 list= =Dongwoon is 3rd.Hyunseung's 5th!And,I still like him!)
Okay,I copied that from my Facebook album(I wrote that BTW)
I'm very FURIOUS on how he gets MOST of the hatred but he's way more talented than Doojoon and Dongwoon.I don't wanna bash my baby Doojoon and Dongwoon but Hyunseung's dancing skills and singing skills are better after I watched some videos.Doojoon is still my number 1 in B2ST and my number 2 overall.
Okay.I'm done ranting.Back to B2ST+2NE1!XD!
If they are on WGM.I'll be so FU*KING WATCHING IT!
I'm sure the ratings will go up A WHOLE LOT MORE.
Seriously,breathe for 3 days if you think YongSeo and KhunToria are effing boring.
I didn't even watch it but I don't wanna see people(especially Victoria) acting cute a.k.a aegyo-ing.Its so annoying.And I'm sure Chaerin(CL) won't do it.LOL.Hellooooo?BADDEST FEMALE SEOUL CITY EVER HAD!
They can be the FIRST rapper couple in WGM.PERFECTION MUCH??!!!
Anyways,I'm telling this to Applers and Knights(?) or whatever they are.STOP FIGHTING.
Sometimes,YGL is so scary.BlackJacks are so scary.They get angry over a FAKE pairing.
DARAGON?SKYDRAGON?Noooooo,ITS PIGDRAGON NOW!(In case you don't know,PiGwenz LiWen is my friend and she's obsessed with GD.LOL.And she's jealous of Aimee Lucas.Well,not actually jealous,but sad because GD kinda dry-humped her in the Breathe performance)
Anyways,Appler and Infiknight please don't get angry,mmmkay?
LOL.Rain.XDDDD!Pwweeeaaazzzzzz!Don't get so worked up okay?
Continue my B2ST+2NE1 discussion.LOL.
You know what?I think I'm gonna stop now.LOL.So lazy now.Anyways,just gonna share these "secrets"
Her friends should seriously get a life.They are so talented.Love their songs.Especially the one with Baek Ji Young.Called "When Will love Come?"!AMAZING!Its a shame how people actually like the ones with not so good face and crappy singing.I don't even know what is attractive about SJ.Goddammit!Even Shawty J is hotter than them.And I'm serious!(Shawty J is the shorter one in the picture!)He's my bias in this duo!His rap is...Speechless!!!I hate how underrated they are.If I asked my friends(I mean all.Literally) if they know Mighty Mouth,they would be like,"What?Who?"= =
He's the MOST talented leader in KPOP.I'm not even kidding.DBSK's Yunho can't even be compared to him.Now,Cassies,before you flipped off and start to throw pies into my face I'm just gonna say this is MY opinions."dodge pies"
Okay,just think that Dongwoon and Onew and Sungmin is Doojoon and Jonghyun and Yesung.
As you can see,my bias in B2ST is none other than smexy leader Doojoon.But,none of my friends like him.Which made me curious.LOL.He's hot!And like three of my friends LOVE Junhyung and are fighting over him= =Which made me kinda smirk because its funny how Junhyung will never be theirs!XD!WOW,Chillax.Anyways,now to Jonghyun.TBH,no one except for JinYi in my gang are actually interested in SHINee.Jinyi's favorite is ONEW and KEY.My favorite is Jonghyun so no stealing.LOL.And SJ?Not actually a fan.But,Yesung has a great voice.
I'm afraid a day will come and the new KPOP fans don't even know Big Bang anymore.This saddens me.I'm scared that one day Big Bang will disband.And no groups except for 2NE1 and B2ST can let me listen to the music that Big Bang produced.I'll miss Jiyong's amazing composing and rapping skills.Seunghyun's cool yet dorky face.Taeyang's awesome singing skills.Daesung's cute yet funny variety skills.Little Seunghyun maknae's love for himself.I wish they won't disband.Whenever T.O.P have to act in a new movie or drama,I'm so happy.But,there's this sadness in me too because I'm scared that they will go on their solo ways and the group that inspired so many people.Including me.Will disband.I think I'll tear up...
Cassies and ELFs are probably crazy for not seeing what these boys had gone through.The things that they gone through are WAY worse than SUJU and DBSK's.The members from SJ who left and JYJ did it on their own while Big Bang had to gone through the things that DOESN'T involve with MONEY.2009 is HORRIBLE.So,don't act like your groups are the ones who suffered the most but others SUFFERED MORE.Your group didn't have much antis.While Big Bang is being hate because they're what you so called "UGLY"?I laughed at your statements,you guys didn't realize how talented these guys are.The reason they are called Big Bang because they ARE.They inspired many people.Including Doojoon from B2ST.Including me.T.O.P had been through insomnia and Taeyang having depression,Is that worse than Hangeng leave SME because of MONEY?GD NEARLY being thrown into jail and people wanting him dead.Is that any different from Kangin's case?Daesung's accident,IS THAT ANY DIFFERENT FROM KYUHYUN'S ACCIDENT? Sometimes,SME's fans/stans just pissed the fu*k out of me.Time to act mature.
I'm not a Dara hater.In fact,I LOVE HER.She's very dorky.Bom is ALWAYS being bashed because they think she's "fat",she looks "unnatural" or she wears dresses that are "too short".FIRST OF ALL,Bom is not FAT.Now that she is skinny,you said she is TOO skinny.WTF do you guys want?!SECOND!Since when are we talking about face!?!THIRD!Bom is a FULL GROWN ADULT.She's TWENTY SE7EN!She can wear dresses all she wants.She ain't some 19 years old girls holding lollipops prancing around with their panties.Now,CL.They hate her because she's "UGLY",she "shouts too much when she's rapping","too much autotune".FIRST OF ALL,She is NOT ugly AT ALL.You should go check your eyes.Second!I don't know if you know him or not,but,he's quite famous.I kinda know him recenly through Youtube.MC JIN!A rapper from Hong Kong also shouts when he raps.Yet,the people said that he is amazing.Okay,I know its the lyrics but they ain't annoyed by the way he raps too.So,if you ain't a real rapper or some rappers from underground,SHUT UP cuz you don't know what a REAL rap is.And the autotune excuse is getting effing OLD!She already showed you guys her amazing vocals WITHOUT AUTOTUNE thourgh It Hurts and their cover of Broken Hearted Girl.WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!Okay,MINZY!They hate her because she "dances like a slut",she's "ugly"(ain't this boring?),she's "TALENTLESS".I seriously laughed at these statements.I don't see how her dancing a MICHEAL JACKSON move on a performance makes her a slut.I don't get people sometimes.Remember,if you dance sexily,you're a slut.Seriously,they have to know what a slut really means.Slut is a STRONG word.It can offend tonnes of people.Second,okay,the "ugly" excuse again.I don't even-I'm done with this.SHE IS NOT TALENTLESS.Girl can sing.Girl can dance.Girl can rap.What more can she NOT DO?Okay,I think I'm talking too much.LOL.
I LOVE Taeyang even though he's my least favorite in BB.I still LOVE him.LOL.But,these fans are just stupid.I can't stand these fake VIPs.
Daesung-ie is UNDERRATED.He's my SECOND bias.I find his vocals AMAZING.I wish he's more popular.Well,I can keep him to my own right?XD!
The picture says it all.
Sometimes when I saw DARlings defending Dara from antis or some who say Dara can't sing,I get a little annoyed.Cuz,she really cant' sing.Well,at least she kinda improves.
I just love and agree on this so much!
Am I the only ONE who thinks SISTAR is way better than MISS A?Hyorin can sing better than all of them.Bora can probably pwns all of them in terms of dancing.Dasom?Shes' the same as Suzy.(No offense,Jinyi)
Daesung-ie's smile is undeniable~!
I don't want Bom to be single until she's 30.She should seriously date now.Dara?She got tonnes of fanboys.But,Bom.She's not that popular and NO ONE ever mention her as their ideal type.I always wonder why.CL had been chosen by Kim Hyun Joong,Junho...etc.Minji had been chosen by Soohyun from UKISS.Dara?She got tonnes of them.I'm worried for Bom.I wish someday the MC will ask a boy idol who's their idol woman and that guy will answer "Park Bom noona/Park Bom/2NE1's Park Bom".
LOL.The person who made this secret HATES Big Bang and did you noticed how he wrote "You love it but you hate it,you hate it but you love it" because he hates Big Bang but can't help to fell in LOVE with their songs and he wished GD would stop rubbing it on his face!XD!
Even a GUY would like a hug from him.
Big Bang is AMAZING.
I don't know about B2ST.But,Big Bang would definitely made it into the American market if they perfected their English.I mean if 2NE1 and Big Bang can't make it.I don't know who can.BoA and SE7EN tried and failed.Wonder Girls?They just got popular for a moment only.Kinda fail.And don't even talk about JYJ.If 2NE1 and Big Bang can't make it,KPOP won't ever enter the American market.
GD and Junhyung are the MOST charismatic guy in KPOP!(Including TOP) I'm not even kidding.
I just wish someday YG FAM and CUBE Ent. will do a collab.They will fucking epic.
The fans DID saw him!But they ignored him.I'm not even a Hyunseung bias.In the fan-meeting I went,Hyunseung and Yoseob didn't actually look at me after signing my cover.You didn't how bad I want just to get a glance of Hyunseung and Yoseob's face.But,I only seen their side profiles.I'm just frustrated on this B2UTIES.I already imagines if I'm there and saw him.I will look at him pitifully and tell him to come out.He has fans too.I know that WON'T happen,I will not even know he is there.But,this is freaking frustrating.But,HE'S A B2ST MEMBER.I would have stormed into the van already.LOL.Just kidding.And did I mentioned that this is from Malaysia?
I,too,thought they won a mutizen award.I'm not even a KISSME,But,they've debuted for two YEARS now.And NO awards?Its more embarrassing than B2ST having one K-Chart award when they already have 4mini albums.Just let them win!I felt bad for them!
I LOVE Taeyang even though he's my least favorite in BB.I still LOVE him.LOL.But,these fans are just stupid.I can't stand these fake VIPs.
Daesung-ie is UNDERRATED.He's my SECOND bias.I find his vocals AMAZING.I wish he's more popular.Well,I can keep him to my own right?XD!
The picture says it all.
Sometimes when I saw DARlings defending Dara from antis or some who say Dara can't sing,I get a little annoyed.Cuz,she really cant' sing.Well,at least she kinda improves.
I just love and agree on this so much!
Am I the only ONE who thinks SISTAR is way better than MISS A?Hyorin can sing better than all of them.Bora can probably pwns all of them in terms of dancing.Dasom?Shes' the same as Suzy.(No offense,Jinyi)
Daesung-ie's smile is undeniable~!
I don't want Bom to be single until she's 30.She should seriously date now.Dara?She got tonnes of fanboys.But,Bom.She's not that popular and NO ONE ever mention her as their ideal type.I always wonder why.CL had been chosen by Kim Hyun Joong,Junho...etc.Minji had been chosen by Soohyun from UKISS.Dara?She got tonnes of them.I'm worried for Bom.I wish someday the MC will ask a boy idol who's their idol woman and that guy will answer "Park Bom noona/Park Bom/2NE1's Park Bom".
LOL.The person who made this secret HATES Big Bang and did you noticed how he wrote "You love it but you hate it,you hate it but you love it" because he hates Big Bang but can't help to fell in LOVE with their songs and he wished GD would stop rubbing it on his face!XD!
Even a GUY would like a hug from him.
Big Bang is AMAZING.
I don't know about B2ST.But,Big Bang would definitely made it into the American market if they perfected their English.I mean if 2NE1 and Big Bang can't make it.I don't know who can.BoA and SE7EN tried and failed.Wonder Girls?They just got popular for a moment only.Kinda fail.And don't even talk about JYJ.If 2NE1 and Big Bang can't make it,KPOP won't ever enter the American market.
GD and Junhyung are the MOST charismatic guy in KPOP!(Including TOP) I'm not even kidding.
I just wish someday YG FAM and CUBE Ent. will do a collab.They will fucking epic.
The fans DID saw him!But they ignored him.I'm not even a Hyunseung bias.In the fan-meeting I went,Hyunseung and Yoseob didn't actually look at me after signing my cover.You didn't how bad I want just to get a glance of Hyunseung and Yoseob's face.But,I only seen their side profiles.I'm just frustrated on this B2UTIES.I already imagines if I'm there and saw him.I will look at him pitifully and tell him to come out.He has fans too.I know that WON'T happen,I will not even know he is there.But,this is freaking frustrating.But,HE'S A B2ST MEMBER.I would have stormed into the van already.LOL.Just kidding.And did I mentioned that this is from Malaysia?
I,too,thought they won a mutizen award.I'm not even a KISSME,But,they've debuted for two YEARS now.And NO awards?Its more embarrassing than B2ST having one K-Chart award when they already have 4mini albums.Just let them win!I felt bad for them!
Dude,you're not alone.You're not alone.
If that's me.I would write,
I may drool over SHINee and B2ST.
I may dance to 4Minute,2NE1,SNSD.
I may sing along with Infinite and CO-ED.
But,Big Bang will always be first in my list of favorite groups.LOL.
You know how immature SONES are now?I may drool over SHINee and B2ST.
I may dance to 4Minute,2NE1,SNSD.
I may sing along with Infinite and CO-ED.
But,Big Bang will always be first in my list of favorite groups.LOL.
LOL.Me too.CL and Bom used to be the most unattractive in their groups.Now,they are my bias!XD!Chanmi too!
THIS!I heard Mithra from Epik high went to military too!T^T!But,Allkpop didn't even say anything about it...BIAS MUCH!
See?If an underground rapper likes her then that mean she's amazing!
I don't even like them or Amber.I'm seriously disgusted on how they added ANOTHER Sulli into the picture.One Sulli is already enough to piss me off.Two of them?No way!
I'm done now.LOL.(comment or chat with me in my cbox!or state your opinions!)
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